Saturday, March 19, 2011

March Happenings

Ok not only is it hard to make a blog, it is ridiculously hard to keep up on a blog!! Sorry everybody, I just feel like I never have the time to sit down and write on my blog!! There just isn't enough hours in the day! So much has happened in our life since my last post, here are some of the new happenings in the Anderson household

-It was my birthday on March 1. My day began with Dave surprising me with a new dress, and cardigan! We then went to school, and Dave dropped me off at home when my classes were over at 10:00 am, Dave was then at the school until 7 o'clock that night. when he got home at seven, we went straight to the church for a bishops interview to renew our ecclesiastical endorsement, after that Dave surprised me again with dinner at Applebees! Later that night at home, Dave surprised me yet again with the new dance central for xbox kinect! I absolutely love that game!

-David applied for a directorship position in the honour code office at byu-I. This means he deals with students who break the honour code. The director position doesn't offer an hourly wage but, if he gets the job, he does get his tuition paid for!! We have been praying that Dave would get the position, and he did! He will start next semester, so next semester his tuition will be paid!!

-David took the liberty of organizing an optometry society at byu-i, he was then voted vice president of the society! He has put in a ton of work into the society, and i'm sure there will be a lot more work, but it will look extremely good on a resume so i'm really proud of him!

-Today I held a bridal shower for Dave's sister Hilary. I had a lot of fun planning games, prizes, and yummy treats! We had a great turnout and Hil got a lot of awesome presents! And, I think my cooking was a big hit... which is a really big deal seeing how i'm still in the experimental stages with my cooking! 

-We went to a St. Patricks dinner on Friday, March 18 at Ranae and Brent Broadheads house, we all wore green, and everything we ate was green! I don't think i've ever been so festive on st. patty's day!

-We registered for classes, and I am taking to dance classes next semester!!!!!! They are just beginner classes because I want to start out slow, but I am so excited... but i'm also really really nervous!!

Anyway, those are some things that have been going on in our lives. Hopefully I will get some pictures up of our apartment pretty soon.. 


  1. you are takin dance classes?!!! ahhhhhhh! i'm so excited for you :) which ones?!

  2. Have fun with the dance classes!

    I started taking them a month or so ago, and...I more or less failed at it, but at least I wasn't crying when I saw myself dancing in the mirror, so that was a great first step. :D

    Good luck!

  3. yay for dance!! :) Except i think that even if you want to start out slow you should take the one above beginners. it will be slow enough.. :) Cause you are AWESOME!
